MFR 20: Spinning for Runners

Of all types of cross training for runners, it is my opinion that spinning classes – or cycling – is the most beneficial, providing the best payoff for runners. In this podcast, I explain how spinning helps with strength, running form, and running speed, what a spinning class is like, the etiquette and much more. Understanding how spinning benefits running will motivate you to add it to your running training regimen. I always recommend spinning for runners.

Of all types of cross training for runners, it is my opinion that spinning classes - or cycling - is the most beneficial, providing the best payoff for runners. In this podcast, I explain how spinning helps with strength, running form, and running speed, what a spinning class is like, the etiquette and much more.


MFR 21: Date a Girl Who Runs


MFR 19: A Great Work Ethic, a Challenged Runner