MFR 82: Make These Three Changes to Your Running This Month to PR Next Month


Most of the runners I know hope to PR on a regular basis. They know they’re not likely to PR often, but they at least hope to PR every once in a while. That makes sense, but it’s important to keep in mind that your chances of setting a new PR (personal record), aka PB (personal best), are slim if you keep doing what you’ve always done, training like you’ve always trained.

I’m sure you’ve heard this quote: “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting the result you’ve always gotten.” Well, that seems to apply to every aspect of life, including running. You need to make changes in your running training from time to time, no matter what. That’s what keeps you fresh, and these three things should be a cornerstone of all training, anyway; so, if you’re not applying them, there is no time better than the present. They will definitely make you run faster.

It’s time to shake it up. Apply these three changes to your running this month – starting today, even – and you are guaranteed to see a different result. There is a very good chance that even if all else stays the same, making these three simple changes will result in a PR very soon.

And, if you find yourself on a running plateau, these three things will move you off that plateau, get you running faster, and make running more fun in the process.

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Most of the runners I know hope to PR on a regular basis. They know they're not likely to PR often, but they at least hope to PR every once in a while. That makes sense, but it's important to keep in mind that your chances of setting a new PR (personal record), aka PB [...]


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