MFR 56: Your First Marathon, Part 2


Every time you run a marathon, you’ll glean more information to prepare you for the next one, but with no past experience, some pitfalls are common to many first-time marathoners. I explain them here in the hope that you will not have that misfortune in your first marathon.

Other topics:

  • training schedule

  • nutrition

  • hydration

  • weight loss

  • weight gain

Outside Magazine, “Tim Noakes on the Serious Problem of Overhydration in Endurance Sports,” June 19, 2012, by Adventure Lab.

Every time you run a marathon, you'll glean more information to prepare you for the next one, but with no past experience, some pitfalls are common to many first-time marathoners. I explain them here in the hope that you will not have that misfortune in your first marathon.


MFR 57: Your First Marathon, Part 3


MFR 55: Your First Marathon, Part 1