Mojo for Running

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MFR 52: Winners, Losers, and Quitters

You’ve heard the saying, I know, that running is 90 percent mental. Well, I absolutely believe that to be true, and the words we use as labels can have great effect. Few words convey more power and emotion than these three: winners, losers, quitters. How do you define them? In this episode, I look at the importance of word choice as regards these sometimes touchy subjects. Do you ever see yourself as a winner? Ever felt like a loser? A quitter? Let’s talk about it. In my opinion, runners are winners. Period. Consider that your mental fitness is largely dependent on the way you see yourself, your self image. Let’s talk about winning, losing and quitting, and I’ll do my best to help you put your running into the best possible, healthiest mental picture.

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