MFR 2: The Hard Easy Principle of Running Training

After running and racing for almost 30 years, I finally decided to become a certified running coach. Going into the the training, I assumed I had a reasonable knowledge of how to train, particularly since I’d been working with a coach. So, imagine my surprise when I learned that there was a great quantity of vital running training information that I did not know.

You know the old saying about how the more you know, the more you realize you don’t know? Well, that was sure true in this case, but what struck me the most was that knowing just a couple of basic training principles, like the hard easy principle, could result in major changes in my running success.

Since most of the people I trained with didn’t have a good understanding of proper training methods, either, I felt driven to get the word out, and that’s when I decided to start this podcast. I was on – am on – a mission to make everyone’s training more effective. In doing so, they will surely experience fewer injuries. So, it’s a win-win, and it’s very easy to implement these strategies. It’s not rocket science. You don’t have to be a running coach to understand and apply them.

The hard easy training principle is the most basic of all training guidelines for runners of all levels. Nothing is more basic to safe, effective training, and nothing will do more to prevent running injuries. Every training schedule, whether for a 5k or a marathon, should be built around this core structure. Listen to this episode to find out how to utilize this principle to reap the greatest results from your running training.

After running and racing for almost 30 years, I finally decided to become a certified running coach. Going into the the training, I assumed I had a reasonable knowledge of how to train, particularly since I'd been working with a coach. So, imagine my surprise when I learned that there was a great quantity of [...]


MFR 3: The Once-Weekly Long Run


MFR 1: Overview of Future Episodes