MFR 17: Running Through the Holidays

It’s always a challenge to stick to your training schedule during the holidays. Everyone seems to struggle. As much as we relish the holidays, the months of November and December can also bring a load of stress as we find ourselves pulled to one event after another, and to cause even more stress, we often find ourselves eating rich, fattening foods that we normally avoid and drinking more than usual. Whether we’re savoring eggnog or a slice of pecan pie, that little voice is constantly reminding us that it is not healthy, and all the while, we’re thinking, “I missed my run today!”

Between the kids’ school events, family dinners, holiday parties, office celebrations, cookies and pie, and time spent shopping and decorating, sticking to your schedule sometimes seems to be the last thing on your ‘to do’ list, even though you started the season committed to keeping it at the top.

Let’s talk about how to cope and adjust with a goal of enjoying the holidays without too much of a fitness hit. Running through the holidays should enhance the season.

It's always a challenge to stick to your training schedule during the holidays. Everyone seems to struggle. As much as we relish the holidays, the months of November and December can also bring a load of stress as we find ourselves pulled to one event after another, and to cause even more stress, we often [...]


MFR 18: What Does DNF, Did Not Finish, Mean to You?


MFR 16: You Just Never Know