MFR 158: Speed Work, Repeats and Intervals

Even the most basic running watch will be adequate for a track workout.

Intervals, repeats, sets? Before you design your speed workout or participate in a coach’s prescribed training, you must understand the terms and concepts around speed training for runners.

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All speedwork can be broken down one of two categories, short distance speedwork, which is usually done on a track, and the longer distances, progression runs and tempo runs, normally done on the road.

Basically, all track workouts are structured into a pattern of repeats and intervals which are then grouped into sets. It might sound confusing, and it surely can be, but once you’ve listened to this episode, you’ll be all set. You’ll appreciate the multitude of different possibilities and be excited to get out there and train to run faster.

#trackworkouts #repeatsandintervals #runfaster

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MFR 159: Six Ways to Enhance Track Workouts


MFR 157 How and When to Incorporate Speedwork into Your Running Training